About Us


Thank you for your interest in our educational system.

We are a PreK-8 Christian school associated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Rapid City SDA Elementary School is a part of the North American Division which is a system that operates more than one thousand elementary and secondary schools and thirteen colleges and universities. The system itself encompasses the world. The educational program is built on the belief that each student is unique and of unmeasurable value, and on the importance of the development of the whole person.

The educational system takes seriously the trust placed upon it to nurture children and youth spiritually and to provide educational excellence.

Our school is a three teacher school and adheres strictly to the belief that each child is of utmost
importance. Therefore, overcrowding is discouraged. When the enrollment limit is reached, new students may be placed on a waiting list.

Although, there are many costs involved in running a school such as ours, the Rapid City SDA
Elementary School Board of Education is dedicated to providing a quality education at a cost that will be as affordable as possible and yet help to offset some of the expense of running the school. Parents are also encouraged to volunteer the service of their time and vehicles to make the school programs more cost effective.

Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year has been set at $300 for the first child per month and $275 for each additional child (grades 1-8) per month. In addition, an application fee of $300 per child is due and payable upon registration. 

We believe that children learn by participation, we require some weekend, or evening,
performances such as school plays, musical presentations, etc. 

Service to family, community, and the larger world are encouraged in our school. Throughout the school year, we create as many opportunities as possible to expose our students to various service activities.

We look forward to meeting you and are excited to answer any questions you may have. 



The Rapid City Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School family exists to enable learners to develop a life of faith in God, and to use their knowledge, skills, and understandings to serve God and humanity. Our objective is to inspire our students to excel spiritually, mentally, socially, and physically.  We realize that, although ours is a Christian school endeavoring to operate with Christian principles, every student may not yet have surrendered their life to Christ.  It is our prayer that each student will come to appreciate God's character more fully and will choose to serve Jesus by serving their fellow men.  



To know Christ and to make Him known



Blue, gold, and white



  1. To encourage our children to have a relationship with Jesus through daily prayer and Bible Study. 
  2. To inspire young people by example and instruction to accept Christ as a personal friend and Savior. 
  3. To cultivate in our students a spirit of devotion, respect, and reverence toward God. 
  4. To promote a Christ-centered curriculum.
  5. To instill in the students the ideals of integrity, honesty, purity, dependability, neatness, and punctuality, thus encouraging each student to be willing and faithful to carry out duties and obligations which life requires of them. 
  6. To acquaint the student with the great themes and truths of the Bible. 
  7. To promote in each student the ideals of self-respect and of mutual respect and cooperation rather than competition and rivalry. 
  8. To promote participation in physical fitness and the teaching of healthful living habits. 
  9. To expose the student to the variety of life experiences and develop his or her capabilities to their fullest potential.
  10. To encourage in the student the development of creativity and independent thinking.